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May 7-11, 2012
Final Exams

May 12, 2012

June 1, 2012
Comprehensive Exam Applications Due
*Applications under Student Handbooks & Forms

June 14-15, 2012
Doctoral Comps:
8am - 11am &
1pm - 4pm in Guyton 215

June 16, 2012
Master of Education Comps:
9am - 1pm in Guyton Hall

Dear Friends of Education,

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It is my pleasure to introduce our Thank a Teacher initiative during this Teacher Appreciation Week, May 7-11.

David Rock

Dr. David Rock

This program supports the University of Mississippi School of Education’s goal to build an online archive of great teachers.

For a donation to the School of Education, I will personally send your teacher a letter detailing how he or she has impacted a student’s life and will include your comments. Your contribution enhances our programs and helps the teachers of tomorrow imagine, innovate and inspire better education for Mississippi.

In preparation for Teacher Appreciation Week, Ole Miss leaders thanked their favorite teachers and shared their stories. When asked to thank an influential teacher, Chancellor Dan Jones immediately thought of his fifth grade teacher Ms. Chaney. Watch his video below.


Dr. David Rock
Dean of the School of Education

Chancellor Dan Jones Thanks Teacher for Joy of Reading

Video on Joy of Reading

Thank a Teacher
