School of Education Student Resources

Launch your dream – explore resources today!

Want to be an educator?

From academic advising to student organizations, we got you covered! You can find our advising offices, student handbooks, licensure/certification information, and much more below!


Academic Advising

Undergraduates - SAFE Office

The Student Achievement and Field Experience (SAFE) Office is our undergraduate advising office. Our academic counselors are here to help all undergraduate students with scheduling courses, field experience, and licensure.

Graduates - Graduate Studies Office

The School of Education's Graduate Studies Office offers specialized support and guidance for all education graduate students. Whether you are wanting to make career advancements, further your research goals, or simply want an addition to your existing credentials, the SOE Graduate Studies Office is here to help!

Assignment Guides

Student Portfolio Help

At the School of Education, students create, author, and share their development as educators through an electronic portfolio. This site will provide current SOE students with step-by-step instructions for building their portfolio.


TeachLive is a unique virtual reality teaching experience, specially curated for you at the School of Education. Are you a current student wanting to get comfortable teaching in front of an audience in a safe environment? The EDCI 352 and EDCI 353 classes already integrate TeachLive as part of the course requirements!

Understanding by Design (UbD)

Are you a current student writing your UbD? Find templates, samples, and an annotated UbD to help inform your unit-writing process!

Field Experience

Field Experience through the SAFE Office

Field Experiences are opportunities for teacher candidates to go out into local schools to observe first-hand what real veteran teachers do and eventually start their student teaching experience. The SAFE Office matches all students to their field experience placements and facilitates communication between the University and the participating schools.

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate Assistantship Opportunities

Graduate Assistantships are part-time job placements within the School of Education. Enrolled SOE graduate students are eligible for a graduate assistantship. Follow the link above to view applications.


You can find a list of all SOE Student Handbooks sorted by department below.


Teaching Licensure

Teacher Licensure requirements are dictated by the Mississippi Department of Education. During your time as and undergraduate, the SAFE Office will help you navigate how to obtain yours!

Mental Health and Well-being

Clinic for Outreach and Personal Enrichment (COPE)

Through COPE, we offer FREE mental health services for UM students, faculty, and staff along with members of the community locally and remote.

The Bridge Program

The Bridge program aims to facilitate the transition into college by providing academic and social support to all University of Mississippi students who have been diagnosed with autism. Through mentorship, tutoring, and activities, members are able to navigate higher education with ease.

Student Organizations

Ole Miss Teachers of Tomorrow (TOT)

Teachers of Tomorrow (TOT) is a student organization for future educators under the Mississippi Association of Educators (MAE). By being a member of MAE and TOT, you will not only get the insurance needed for student teaching and observing in the schools, but you will also receive the opportunity to be a part of a team at Ole Miss that works together to gain experience in the classroom and positively impact the lives of the students and families in the Oxford community.

The Kindness Club

Within the Kindness Club, we will work to spread positivity, celebrate inclusivity, and welcome diversity within the School of Education. Our mission is to create a community that fosters intentionality and random acts of kindness. We celebrate the achievements and resilience of individuals, but also create opportunities for members of the School of Education community to come together to connect through activities that promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere.

Rebel Teacher

The Ole Miss School of Education Rebel Teachers program offers student teacher the opportunity to kickstart their time as student teachers! Students chosen for this program will get their placement for the upcoming school year in May, sooner than other SOE student teachers. Rebel Teachers will begin their student teaching experience when teachers return to school in late July/early August. Student teachers will get to experience the first days of school, Back-to-School nights, and planning at the beginning of the year. This program allows student teachers a greater opportunity to build relationships with their clinical instructor and students from the very beginning of the semester.